心臟雜音是影響寵物最常見的心臟問題之一。 這是由心臟瓣膜未能正確關閉所引起的。
- 水腫
- 腿部腫脹(液體積聚)
- 腹部腫脹(液體流到腹部)
- 呼吸困難
- 由於缺乏氧氣牙齦顏色變紫/藍色
- 咳嗽(血液到肺)
- 減少運動耐量
- 無法行走
- 昏暈
- 體重变輕
- 改善營養,提供更多營養, 餵優質的蛋白質
- 排除不必要的鹽
- 使用不含氟的水(香港的水是帶有氟的)
- 減肥
- 定期和温和運動
- 確保你的狗有良好的牙齒健康(已經被證實口腔的細菌能引致心臟瓣膜感染)
- 補充 Omega-3 (i.e. Pure Green, Green+Green)
- 補充 Taurine/ CoQ10 例如心肉(i.e. 火雞心)
- 補充中藥利尿藥 以幫助減少液體積聚(見利尿) (i.e. Hawathorn & Dandelion)
根據響度,心臟雜音分為六個等級(參見 AKC)
They are:
Grade 1 = a very soft, localized murmur detected only after several minutes of listening
Grade 2 = a soft murmur, heard immediately but localized to a small area
Grade 3 = a moderately intense murmur, that is readily detected and detected over more than one location
Grade 4 = a moderately intense or loud murmur, detected over several areas, usually both sides of the chest, however, a precordial thrill (vibration) is not detected in this case
Grade 5 = a loud murmur accompanied by a precordial thrill over the point of maximal intensity
Grade 6 = a very loud murmur accompanied by a precordial thrill and the murmur is detected when the stethoscope is pulled slightly off the chest wall